Monday, August 1, 2011

Keene Valley Guy's YouTube Channel

Starting in October of 2010 I began posting HD videos to my YouTube channel.  In the past few months, equipped with a new video camera having more capacity and capable of much better sound, I've increased greatly increased the number of videos I'm posting there.  At present there are nearly 150 videos of bluegrass bands who currently appear at festivals or in concert events we have attended.  Many of my videos appear on this blog as examples of a band's performance, but there simply isn't enough room to post all the videos I have available on the blog, nor do I want to take too much attention away from our photographs or the text material.  Therefore, I invite you to KeeneValley Guy's YouTube Channel to see the entire collection posted there.  Consider subscribing so you receive notification when I post new videos.

My goal is to record about three songs from most band's at a festival, weather permitting.  With good sound and a quality location, I think most of my videos are pretty high quality, and, I hope, improving with experience.  I've bought editing software and am slowly trying to learn to use it to add titles and other information.  Because each video consumes roughly 500 +/- megabites, they take about two hours to upload using a high speed connection. Unfortunately, the MiFi connection we use on the road has extremely limited bandwidth, so videos are likely to come in batches, not being initially connected the the festival where they were recorded.  When we're home, I can send about five or six up a night while I'm sleeping. Once I've posted a video, I'll also embed several of the better ones in the archives with the festival where they were recorded, but all the usable videos I record will be available on the YouTube channel. Most videos are in High Definition and can be viewed full screen by pushing the appropriate button on the video or by double clicking the video on my blog.  If you subscribe by clicking the Subscribe button on the channel, you'll be sent notification when I post. I hope you find this addition useful to you as you read this blog, keep an eye on Ted and Irene's Most Excellent Bluegrass Adventure and watch my videos.

Sample Recent Video
Dale Ann Bradley Sings "Run Rufus Run"

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