Saturday at YeeHaw Junction was warm and nearly cloudless with just enough breeze to keep it from feeling hot. All this helped draw the largest day crowd we've ever seen come to this relatively isolated but centrally located cow pasture in east-central Florida. Many came to see headline attraction Rhonda Vincent & the Rage, but there was plenty more to keep people listening and enjoying themselves. High among those attractins was the Spinney brothers from Nova Scotia, new to many but sure to be frequently asked for here in Florida, where they made a new and well-appreciated debut performance.
Morning Workshops
Danny Stewart - Remington Ryde
Billy Lee Cox
Rhyme "n" Reason
A veteran band from the Niagara Frontier in southern Ontario, Rhyme "n" Reason played three sets on Friday and Saturday.
Stefan van Holton
Bill Koop
Doug Moerschfelder
Pete Harrison
Keith Bass & the Florida Bluegrass Express
One of two Florida bands included in this year's YeeHaw Junction lineup, festival promoter Keith Bass & the Florida Bluegrass Express acquitted themselves admirably with a varied selection of classic bluegrass covers presented with enthusiasm and skill.
Keith Bass
Clint Dockery
Shane Stewart
Jason Baker
Katie Stewart
Keith Bass & the Florida Bluegrass Express - Two More Days
Mike Robinson - Emcee
Harold Asher - Ramrod
The Spinney Brothers
The Spinney Brothers, long a popular band in their home province of Nova Scotia and across Canada have been cutting an increasingly wide swath through bluegrass festivals and concerts in the U.S. They combine lovingly recreated covers of classic bluegrass and country songs with a range of originals to create a pleasing, energetic show which is faced paced and thoroughly enjoyable. They've been on the road for about eighteen years, and are now beginning to reap the rewards of their hard work. Look for them!
Rick Spinney
Allan Spinney
Gary Dalrymple
Daryl Hebb
The Spinney Brothers - The Auctioneer - Video
Rick & Allan Spinney
Evan Carl & Madison Gibson
Travis Gibson
Rhonda Vincent & the Rage
Rhonda Vincent
No bluegrass performer works harder than Rhonda Vincent, both on stage and in giving time and attention to her fans. After each performance The Martha White Boutique is crowded three or four deep as her fans wait to buy her CD's and other merchandise as well as get a chance for a picture with her or a few moments of her attention. She has an almost unique capacity when meeting with fans of giving her complete attention to each one, leaving them with the sense they've really communicated with her, no matter how briefly. Her work on stage is always responsive to the crowds she attracts, as she performs without a set-list, making song selections on the fly from her vast catalog of recorded material. Her band supports her with vocal and musical versatility and virtuosity that's always focused on creating the sound she wants. The addition of Brent Burke on Dobro has helped create a new sound permitting a country twang to enter into her bluegrass show while giving the entire ensemble a richer sound.
Rhonda with "Her" People
Hunter Berry
Mickey Harris
Aaron McDaris
Ben Helsen
Brent Burke
Rhonda Vincent & the Rage - Crazy Love - Video
Rhonda Vincent
Darlene Bass with the Winner
of both the
50/50 Raffle and the Breast Cancer Basket

Gospel Jam and Sing
Mike and Mary Robinson
Keith & Darlene Bass - Promoters
Mickey Harris
Aaron McDaris
Ben Helsen
Brent Burke
Rhonda Vincent & the Rage - Crazy Love - Video
Rhonda Vincent
Darlene Bass with the Winner
of both the
50/50 Raffle and the Breast Cancer Basket
Gospel Jam and Sing
Mike and Mary Robinson
While YeeHaw Junction has wisely given up its Sunday performances, Mike & Mary Robinson finished the weekend with their popular and spiritually satisfying Gospel Sing and Jam. The sing was well attended with many people not packing to leave until after it was over.
Keith & Darlene Bass - Promoters